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Order Information

The teacher needs no preparation or musical expertise. The video and teaching materials are a comprehensive set of tools that allow the classroom teacher to participate right along with the children as they learn all of  the elements of music.

To order, phone us toll free at:  (866) 245-9356

8 Unit Full-Year Music Curriculum on Video

   Includes the following:

30 minute Video

CD or Cassette

Classroom Materials Binder

Teacher's Guide


"Adagio Grazioso" CD 

Inspirational melodies from the classics. Calming background music for classroom work time. Keyboard by Nicolette Crawford.

<a href="Claire_de_Lune.mp3"></a>
Sample track: Claire de Lune

Demonstration Video (10 minutes)

Provides overview of Full-Year Music Curriculum
Online Demonstration Video (12.6 minutes, 28.6MB)
<a href="movies/FMdslMedium320x240-44kHz.mov"></a>
Overview of Full-Year Music Curriculum

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